“100 Great Supply Chain Partners”

92e664de73Demand Foresight featured in Supply Chain Brain’s “100 Great Supply Chain Partners”

We’d like to thank New Belgium supply chain director Nate Turner, writer Sidney Hill and the editors over at Supply Chain Brain for including us in their annual “100 Great Supply Chain Partners” issue. Hill focused on our work with New Belgium Brewing and their evolving sophistication with supply chain practice and tools. Their culture has uniquely enabled them to fuse a passion for brewing with mastery of the business side — a balance that many tried and failed to strike during the first craft beer boom of the ’90s.

Hill spoke with Turner about New Belgium’s unique supply chain challenges and our role in helping to meet them.

“This system has helped us maintain consistently high customer service
levels—while keeping inventories within a level we can live with—even
as our business has become more complex in terms of the number of
products we sell and the number of customers we serve,” Turner
concludes. “We also are pleased with the role Demand Foresight has
played as a business partner. They understand that our business is
constantly evolving, and they continue to personalize the system to
meet our needs.”

It’s an honor to be part of one of Colorado’s — and the country’s — coolest business stories.

Gene Tanski, Demand Foresight featured on Bold Ventures Radio

Jean Creech of Bold Ventures RadioI’d like to thank Jean Creech of Bold Ventures Radio for including me on her Wed., April 28 broadcast. Jean’s show airs in north Atlanta at 1620 AM and around the country at www.americaswebradio.com.

Bold Ventures Radio focuses on entrepreneurs, and it was my honor to be included as we discussed demand planning, forecasting, technology and business trends — as well as the genesis of Demand Foresight and our supply chain management software. I found this to be a stimulating experience and look forward to the chance to chat with Jean again.

You can listen to the whole episode here. I come on after the first few minutes.

Why best-of-breed matters: Imperial Sugar and Demand Foresight in CIO

We’d like to offer our thanks to a great client, Imperial Sugar, and CIO for picking up on this tale of foresight and resilience. The Imperial Sugar team did an incredible job of facing down some very steep challenges to their business. We’re really proud to be a part of this story…

After the refinery catastrophe, Imperial Sugar needed immediate insight
into how many customers it could serve with its available inventory.
The software gave them that overview by product line, and its
“available to promise” functionality allowed everyone from production
to sales to see, in real time, what could be delivered.

Read the rest here

One of America’s Biggest Private-Label Snack Nut Manufacturers Goes Best-of-Breed with New Forecasting Software

JBSS taps Demand Foresight to master demand planning and supply chain management for 3,500 distinct products

GOLDEN, Colo. – (March 18, 2010) – John B. Sanfilippo & Son (NASDAQ: JBSS), maker of Fisher Nuts and one of America’s largest private-label snack nut manufacturers, has begun implementation of Demand Foresight’s best-of-breed demand planning and supply chain management software. Continue reading