Demand planning vs. forecasting vs. management: an agreement on terms (Pt. 1)

There are a number of terms that are used when discussing demand forecasting, demand planning and demand management — all of which appear to be used interchangeably. Just what are we talking about here? I thought it would make sense to share the terms I use on this blog and at Demand Foresight,  and  articulate the difference between each.

Procedurally and philosophically, we start with demand planning.  Demand planning is articulating what a company is going to do to create and shape demand.  Typically, this is driven and owned by sales and marketing within guidelines provided by the C-suite.  This can include everything from special ads that run in the Sunday circulars to in-store promotions with specific retailers. This discipline focuses on where to meet your customer and other go-to-market strategies.

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